Main Themes of McKinney-Vento
School stability
School accesses
Support for academic success
Child-centered, best interest decision making
McKinney-Vento Requires Districts to:
Appoint a Homeless Coordinator: Dr. Steve Gallivan
Actively identify homeless children & youth
Determine school of best interest with family
Provide transportation to school of best interest
Remove all barriers to enrollment & success
Inform parents, school staff, and others of rights of homeless students
Facilitate resolution of disputes
Educational Protections:
Immediate enrollment, even lacking paperwork
Concepts of “school of origin” and “school of best interest”
Right to transportation
Right to comparable and non-segregated services
Right to complete the school year at one school if feasible
Access to free breakfast and lunch program
Access to Title 1 services
Homeless students are defined as lacking a fixed, regular and/or adequate nighttime residence, including the following:
sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing or economic hardship
living in motels, hotels, trailer parks or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations
living in emergency or transitional shelters
abandoned in hospitals
awaiting foster care placement
living in public or private places not designed for or ordinarily used as regular sleeping accommodations for human beings
living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, transportation stations or similar settings
migratory children living in conditions described above
Homeless children have a right to be enrolled in their school of origin or to attend school in the area where they are living. A child cannot be denied enrollment due to lack of immunization records. A homeless student is entitled to transportation to his school of origin if that is what his parent or guardian requests. A homeless student is entitled to all the educational services and extracurricular opportunities that would be available to any other student living in the district.
For help coordinating services for homeless youth in the Pleasant Hope R-VI School District please contact the following:
Steve Gallivan, Student Services Director
Pleasant Hope R-VI Schools
303 N. Main
Pleasant Hope, MO 65725
417-267-2850 ext 2504
Legally Required Notification:
Because no schools in the Pleasant Hope R-VI District are in School Improvement according to the criteria of the October 2008 Title I requirements, there are no School Choice mandates placed upon Pleasant Hope Schools.
Further, while the district is not required to provide Supplemental Educational Services to students since we are not in School Improvement, we are proud that Title I-supported after-school tutoring is available to all students. Please contact the principal of the building your student attends for more information about tutoring opportunities.
For more information about Title I and all federal programs in the PHR6 District, please contact our Federal Programs Coordinator:
Jessica Johnson, at 417-267-2271 (ext. 2201) or jessicajohnson@phr6.org.