Transportation Changes
All students have procedures in place for daily dismissal. Students will be required to go to their normal locations at the end of each day. The Elementary Staff realizes that changes do occur throughout the year for individuals or families. When this occurs, a note must be sent to the classroom teacher or the office notifying them of the change.
Transportation Passes
The safe transportation of district elementary students to and from school is a primary concern to the school administration. Students are to ride their assigned buses, getting on and getting off at their regularly assigned stops, unless a note from a parent or guardian authorizes students to depart at other than their regular stop or to ride a bus other than their regular assigned bus.
Parent/Guardian notes will be approved by the office and then a transportation pass will be given back to the student. This pass will be given to any student who has a change in his/her normal routine for a transportation mode in going to their after school destination. Notes should include: student name, teacher name, date(s) change will occur, new instructions, address student is to be dropped off at, and a parent or guardian signature.
Should a last minute change in your child’s transportation needs occur at the end of the day, and it was not possible to send a note, please call the elementary office before 1:00 PM. Phone lines get very busy at the end of the day and it may be difficult to get through to the office after this time. This will allow for a smooth and safe schedule.
Any time there’s a change in your child’s normal routine, please send a note.
*Bus routes and schedules are available in the office, or you may view them here.