Packet #3 Drop Off and Student Supply Pick UP is TODAY from 7:00am-7:00pm! After dropping off Packet #3 at PHES Entrance drive to the car rider lane, stay in your car, call the PHES office (417)267-2277 state student name & cone # and we will bring your students supplies to you.
See attached photo for information about Girls 7-8th Grade Volleyball.
Troubles with siblings? These tips may help.
Middle School Parents: Packet #3 drop-off will be from 7:00am-7:00pm on Thursday. Any remaining library books will also need to be returned.
PHMS Parents:
We have had several questions about the delivery of yearbooks. The yearbooks were not scheduled to be delivered until next week if production went according to plan. With the Covid-19 issues, there could be a delay. I will let everyone know just as soon as the yearbooks are delivered! Thank you for your patience.
Mrs. Lee
Packet #3 Drop Off and Student Supply Pick Up is TOMORROW from 7:00am-7:00pm! After dropping off Packet #3 @ PHES Entrance drive to the car rider lane, stay in your car, call the PHES office 417-267-2277 state student name & cone # and we will bring your students supplies to you.
Reminder to High School Students and Parents. We are turning in final review packets tomorrow, Thursday May 7th from 7am to 1pm at the high school through the East Entrance into the cafeteria. All work packets should be turned in at this time between 7am and 1pm.
We also need all textbooks returned as we have accumulated a list of 150 textbooks that should be returned tomorrow by students. Please bring these into school tomorrow.
Also please bring any other remaining library books or other school uniforms etc that need to be returned.
We will also be getting tentative schedules out to students tomorrow for the 2029-2021 school year.
We are hoping to see all students tomorrow May 7th from the hours of 7am-1pm to collect all work and Textbooks to complete the school year.
Brent Offerdahl
High School Principal
Pleasant Hope R-6
English 1 Finish review work . Please turn in Lord of the Flies copies. World History Finish enrichment packets and turn in your book. German History- Paper on Oskar Schindler is due tomorrow. Mr. Bauer
ve not already done so. German History- Your paper on Oskar Schindler is due tomorrow. Several of you still need to turn in your book. Submit any work that you may have missed and I will accept it. Stay well, be happy. Mr. Bauer
Hello to all of Ms. Downey's ART CLASSES!
Your final review (high school) and worksheets (middle school) are due tomorrow! Please be sure to put your name on your work!
Grades are updated, so check and let me know if you have questions or concerns about anything.
Hang in there, Pirates!!
Mr. Conklin's Math Courses: Pre- Alg, Alg 1, Geometry: Final packets are due Thursday along with your textbook if you have not turned it in. E-mail me with any last minute questions ( Thanks for your flexibility and hard work!
Mrs. Shirk's Dual Credit Personal Finance students: Be sure you are checking your school email and that you have logged on to your MSU Account.
I have had several questions about practices for sports and use of facilities for our buildings. We are hoping to be able to use them beginning May 18th if everything is good and the Health Departments give us the ok. The following letter from MSHSAA outlines that we cannot begin to use our facilities until the end of the school year which would have been May 15. I am hoping coaches etc can open the following week if everything is cleared by health departments at that time.
Brent Offerdahl
High School Principal
Athletic Director
Pleasant Hope R-6
MSHSAA Member Schools Superintendent, Principal, and Athletic Director;
We continue to get questions about what can occur for sports and activities at your school, especially with the state reopening for some businesses on May 4, 2020. Here are some things you need to be aware of, the Governor stated, "Even though the state is reopening, schools must remain closed to in person instruction through the remainder of this school year." Therefore, in accordance with what we have put out in the last couple weeks, you cannot use your buildings or facilities for open gyms, open fields, or any kind of contact while your school year is in session. The spring sports and activities seasons were canceled due to the Governor shutting down in person classes and going to remote learning; therefore, all contact in person with students for sports and activities specific instruction, conditioning, or any other school sports settings are not allowed at this time.
1. 1. Summer contact cannot occur until your school year ends, or the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend, May 23, 2020.
2. 2. Your local, state, and national governments must clear or remove social distancing requirements to allow you to have contact with students. Currently, people are instructed to have 6 feet between them, and no more than 10 people in a gathering.
3. 3. No contact should occur at any school without the approval of the superintendent of schools once the previous items are met.
Here are the press releases from DESE and Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services where these interpretations are based on.
DESE Release, April 9th - To reiterate what the Governor shared, school buildings will remain closed for the rest of the school year…but school services should continue through the last day of school in each school district, as pre-established by the school calendar approved by their local board of education.
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services P.O. Box 570, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570 Phone: 573-751-6400 FAX: 573-751-6010 RELAY MISSOURI for Hearing and Speech Impaired and Voice dial: 711 Randall W. Williams, MD, FACOG Director Michael L. Parson Governor
April 27, 2020
The Director of the Department of Health and Senior Services, finding it necessary to protect public health and prevent the further spread of COVID-19, pursuant to the authority granted under section 192.020, RSMo, and 19 CSR 20-20.040, hereby order the following:
2. In accordance with the guidelines from the President and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), every person and business in the State of Missouri shall abide by social distancing requirements, including maintaining six feet (6’) of space between individuals. This provision shall not apply to family members or individuals performing job duties that require contact with other people closer than six feet (6’). Individuals performing job duties that require contact with other people closer than six feet (6’) should take enhanced precautionary measures to mitigate the risks of contracting or spreading COVID-19. This provision shall apply in all situations, including, but not limited to, when customers are standing in line or individuals are using shared indoor or outdoor spaces.
5. In accordance with the guidelines from the President and the CDC, schools shall remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic school year. At the discretion of the school district, nothing in this Order shall prohibit school teachers, school staff, students, and parents from reentering school buildings in order to work, retrieve personal belongings, or return school property as long as limitations on social distancing are properly adhered to. Summer school may proceed under guidelines set forth by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Notwithstanding section 2 of this Order, nothing in this Order shall prohibit daycares, child care providers, or schools from providing child care in accordance with CDC guidelines. Further, this Order does not prohibit schools from providing Food and Nutritional Services for those children that qualify. • 573 875-4880
1 North Keene St. • Columbia, MO 65201
Wood's Classes-Hello everyone! I hope you are staying safe during this stormy Monday! All grades from the previous packet drop off day have been updated, so please take a look and let me know if you see anything missing/needs corrections! Please turn in your books if you haven't done so on our next drop off day and continue to work hard as we finish out the year!
Final packets for the middle school can be turned in Thursday from 7:00am-7:00pm. Library books must be returned and lockers can be cleaned out if needed.
Preschool / Kindergarten Enrollment and Screening for the 2020-2021 School Year.
PHES Student Info.
Congrats to all our Spring Senior Athletes! Softball Seniors -- you will be missed! Best of luck to you in whatever comes your way.
Food handout tomorrow 8-9 am. Life 360 will be back on school grounds with us. See you there
Good morning and happy Saturday, English III students!
I will be putting an assignment on classroom today for those of you who would like to turn in your final distance learning assignment electronically. Please remember, you don't have to do your assignment using the computer. Handwriting is also acceptable. For those of you who have already shared your assignments to my email, you don't need to worry about submitting them to Classroom. I'll get you taken care of!
As always, please reach out if you have any questions. Have a great weekend.