On Thursday, April 23, the high school will have a remembrance banner located by the flagpole to write messages to Luke and his family. Feel free to stop by between noon and 4 p.m. Cards for the family may also be dropped off during this time. Counselors will be available on site.
over 4 years ago, Hannah Faucett
The FINAL Packet #3 is being mailed to students today! This packet includes lessons for the following dates: 4/28, 4/29, 4/30, 5/1, 5/5, 5/6. This is the FINAL Packet for PHES to complete. If you do not receive this packet by April 27th contact your students classroom teacher.
over 4 years ago, Jessica Johnson
Please do not forget the food sign up link for Monday. If you need help do not hesitate to contact me at Klowe@phr6.org
over 4 years ago, Kelly Lowe
Mrs. Shirk's Classes - Hope you are all doing great and have taken some time to work on your assignments. I have gotten work and questions from several of you. Keep them coming! :) FBLA Seniors - I emailed each of you a scholarship application a couple of weeks ago. These are due the 25th. FBLA State Participants - I emailed your links to the Virtual State events that started Thursday. I hope you have all checked that out. The Opening and Speaker are tomorrow. Hoping I get to see several of you at the school on Monday.
over 4 years ago, Misty Shirk
Seniors and Senior Parents: Today is the deadline to order your congratulatory yard sign. The link is www.crackerjackshack.com/pleasanthopeseniors This is a great way to honor your senior! Mrs. Lee
over 4 years ago, Kay Lee
MESSAGE FROM THE MISSOURI STATE HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION REGARDING SUMMER BY-LAWS MSHSAA Board Approves Changes to Summer By-Laws Decision opens door for possibilities to summer time contests Columbia, Mo.- The Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA) Board of Directors voted to grant relief of portions of the MSHSAA By-Laws that include summer limits on contact between coaches and student-athletes, at its April meeting on Thursday, April 16th. Dependent upon approval from local and state health officials, the MSHSAA Board voted to make the summertime dead period and the summer limits on contact optional for the summer of 2020. MSHSAA By-Law 1.5 requires member schools to establish a period of nine consecutive days beginning on a Saturday and lasting to the second following Sunday, in which no contact takes place between school coaches/directors of MSHSAA-sponsored activities and students enrolled in the member school, or who will be enrolled in the member school during the next school year. With Thursday’s decision, a school may choose to comply with this “dead period” or to allow teams to hold activities. This decision also relieves portions of By-Law 3.15.3 and 3.15.4, which limits teams to 20 days of contact during the summer. Member schools may allow teams to have more than 20 days of contact in which any coaching or instruction in the skills and techniques of any sport takes place. “The abrupt changes that took place to our normal system of education this spring, have our schools pleading for access to students this summer,” said MSHSAA Executive Director Dr. Kerwin Urhahn. “The membership asked about what possible flexibility and modifications to by-law restrictions that could be offered. If there is no local, state, or national clearance for safe contact with students, then any allowances dealing with summer will be moot. But, in an effort to be prepared for what we hope is possible, this action was taken to grant some relief for the member schools.” In other action, the Board of Directors voted to allow seniors to be viewed as enrolled students through the summer, which allows them to represent their high schools in summertime interscholastic competition. This relief of By-Law 3.15 is designed for this summer only. “Hopefully, this will allow schools to play contests against other schools to provide closure and recognition for students and allow teams and kids to play together this summer,” said Urhahn. At this point, no action was taken to alter any other sections of By-Law 3.15, or the fall no contact period (3.15.1.b) that is scheduled to take place between August 3, 2020 and August 9, 2020. All summertime activities remain optional for students, attendance or participation could not be required. “The first thing that needs to be clearly understood is that all decisions about anything summer-related – be it contact, access, practice, games, conditioning, etc. - must first be approved, cleared and deemed safe by the CDC, State and Local Health Departments, the Governor, and local Mayors” Urhahn concluded. “The end of social distancing and ‘safe at home’ is still not clearly visible yet, and summer activities may not be possible due to the covid-19 pandemic and its own timeline.”
over 4 years ago, Brent Offerdahl
Ms. Ravens' ACT Prep class: Your new work for the week has been posted! Details are provided in the new post on classroom. You'll be working both on Classroom and USATestPrep. At this point, your grade book should be completely updated. Please let me know if you have any questions. I hope everyone is keeping strong here at the end of an unconventional semester. I miss seeing you all! Keep up all the good effort!
over 4 years ago, Samantha Ravens
Pleasant Hope High School Students and Parents We will be turning in all homework that was sent home in our last packets next Monday, April 27th anytime from 7:00am to 7:00pm. We will be handing out our final packet at that time as well to get to students to finish out the school year with their work. TEXTBOOKS AND LIBRARY BOOKS Please bring all textbooks and library books that you may have and get those turned in as well. PLEASE MAKE PLANS TO TRY TO STOP BY THE HIGH SCHOOL SOMETIME BETWEEN 7:00AM AND 7:00PM ON MONDAY APRIL 27TH TO GET THESE THINGS TURNED IN. IT WILL HELP US GREATLY. Locker Clean Outs All Students will be given the opportunity to clean out their locker on April 27th when they come to pick up their packet. Cap and Gown Delivery Seniors will be given their Cap and Gown on April 27th for Graduation ceremony to be held on June 6th at 10:00am Yearbook Delivery Yearbooks are in and will be delivered on Monday April 27th as well when students come up to pick up their packets. Yearbooks will be available to purchase as well if you did not pre-order one. Please insure you have done your best to complete all of your work and be ready to turn that in one week from today. I appreciate all your hard work and as always, please reach out to myself or your teachers if you need assistance of any kind. We miss you all and hope that you are doing the best you can to get through these times. I hope to see you all soon and hope we can get back to some normalcy.
over 4 years ago, Brent Offerdahl
Here is the link for next week April 27th. Have a great day. We handed out near 300 meals this morning. https://forms.gle/Bor88pALNJfd9bLz7
over 4 years ago, Kelly Lowe
PHES Student Information
over 4 years ago, Jessica Johnson
Important Dates
Preschool / Kindergarten Enrollment and Screening for the 2020-2021 School Year.
over 4 years ago, Jessica Johnson
PreK/K Info.
Mr. Conklin's Leadership Class: It's National Student Leadership Week! Follow MASC on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube to know more about their events for the week. On Wed., Terri will be interviewing Phil Boyte (author of School Culture by Design). Be sure to watch and participate in the discussion.
over 4 years ago, Jacob Conklin
Pleasant Hope Community: On Friday, April 24th, PHHS will be hosting a drive by parade to honor our spring senior athletes. The parade will begin to line up at the elementary school and will proceed to drive by the softball senior Lady Pirates, the PH Fieldhouse for our PH baseball Pirates, and continue behind the middle school to the stadium for our Pirate track seniors. This parade will begin at 6:30pm after the players are recognized by their own coaches in a private ceremony for them with social distancing being practiced. We GREATLY encourage you as the Pirate Nation community to make signs, sound noise makers, and/or use window chalk to let these seniors know that you are proud of them and their dedication as you drive by! Please share this post and spread the word to the whole community!
over 4 years ago, Kay Lee
Happy great Friday to you. We will be handing out food on Monday at 8 am. Please remember to sign up, have your sign ready with all kids full name and age ready. Let us know if we can help you in any way. Hang in there we will get through this.
over 4 years ago, Kelly Lowe
Teachers have entered all feedback for Packet #1. Today PHES is mailing student feedback for packet #1. You should receive this in a couple days. Thank you students and parents for completing and turning these in. Thank you for your continued dedication to your students learning!
over 4 years ago, Jessica Johnson
Mr Conklin's Classes: Pre-Alg, Alg 1, Geo, and Leadership: It has been a month since we were last in school. I has been a LONG month for me. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to learning through all this. I miss seeing you all. I am very proud of all the gains we made throughout the year. Let me know how you are doing or if you have questions.
over 4 years ago, Jacob Conklin
Governor Parsons closed schools for the remainder of the year last week. We will be sending out the next round of packets for your child in the upcoming days. Those packets are being graded. You may use the portal to view the grades. Be safe!
over 4 years ago, Kelly Lowe
Important Dates for Middle School Students
over 4 years ago, Lance Gallamore
Important Dates for PHMS
Hello American History, American Government, Current Events, and Psychology students! I have connected with several of you in recent days about the homework listed on your class assignment schedules. Many of you have done a great job completing these assignments and I hope to see more before the end of this semester. For Current Events students: Continue doing your daily research evaluation forms (2 current events per day, eight events per week). American History students: Continue doing your weekly worksheets for each chapter. American Government students: Continue doing your weekly reading and work assignments for each chapter, as noted on your schedule. Psychology students: Continue working on the weekly reading and quiz assignments for each module. Additional information and updates will be posted here and emailed in the days ahead. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions. Stay positive, be safe, work hard. Blessings, Mr. Keller
over 4 years ago, Chris Keller
From Mr. Lankford: Good morning, I wanted to make you aware of a couple of things that may interest you. The first is there will be a virtual college fair held April 20-23. If you attend you will need to sign up for each session you are interested in. This is a national fair so several sessions may not be of interest to you. There are several that are Missouri and/or midwest specific and several that discuss topics like admissions, money, choosing a college that fits, etc. If you have questions about the college admissions process I encourage you to attend it. The link for this fair is : https://www.strivescan.com/virtual/ The second item is, ACT is in the process of making the test more convenient to take. They are offering more summer dates and are working on the ability for you to take the test remotely at home. This function will not be available until sometime in late fall/early winter 2020. I have attached a press release to google classroom from ACT explaining these changes. Please reach out to me if you need something. Miss you all!
over 4 years ago, Chris Lankford