2024 Giving Tree
26 days ago, Jered Brown
giving tree
Pirates open the High School Boys Basketball season with a 72-23 win over Verona!!! Great job and teamwork, Pirates!! The boys will now play at 8:30 pm on Monday, Nov 25th, in the semi-finals of the Verona Tournament!!
28 days ago, Steve Gallivan
PHR6 Schools would like to invite everyone in the community to join us for some breakfast and carnival fun before the Christmas Parade on December 7th.
29 days ago, Pleasant Hope Schools
Thank you for helping us Feed the Turkey! Over 1600 items were donated for the community! Pleasant Hope families are making a difference!
29 days ago, Pleasant Hope Schools
Ten Pleasant Hope High School students served as Missouri Youth Election poll workers at the Pleasant Hope Fire Station during the Nov. 5 General Election.
about 1 month ago, Chris Keller
Pleasant Hope High School students were sworn in by Polk County Clerk Rachel Lightfoot to serve as Missouri Youth Election poll workers during the Nov. 5 General Election.
Pleasant Hope High School senior Madison Young served as a Missouri Youth Election poll worker at the Pleasant Hope Fire Station during the Nov. 5 General Election.
Pleasant Hope High School students received their certificates of service as Missouri Youth Election poll workers during the Nov. 5 General Election.
Pleasant Hope Board of Education Vice President Debra Agee (pictured left) and Pleasant Hope High School teacher Kay Lee assisted student poll workers during the November 5 General Election.
Pleasant Hope High School seniors Shay Austin and Case Klotz recently completed their requirements for the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank accorded by the Boy Scouts of America. Both are members of Boys Scouts Troop 376 based in Pleasant Hope, MO.
about 1 month ago, Chris Keller
High School senior Case Klotz  achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America. Klotz was accorded the honor after meeting with his Eagle Board of Review on Nov. 11.
High School senior Shay Austin completed her Eagle Board of Review session in August 2024.
High School seniors Shay Austin and Case Klotz attained the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank accorded by the Boy Scouts of America.
Here is our PHR6 Connection November edition!
about 1 month ago, Pleasant Hope District Office
Pg_1 _PHR6
Congratulations to the PHMS Spelling Bee Contestants and Winners 2024-25. Our Grand Champion is Andrew Caudle (Second Row - Blue Sweatshirt) Special thanks to our teachers Mrs. Lair and Mrs. Peterman for encouraging our top spellers! Pictured are: Levi, Logan, Molly, Madison, Olivia, Wyatt, Micah, Andrew, Finley, Deltyn, Cooper, Mason, Nolan,Alea, Kloie, and Donny
about 1 month ago, Jenny Pendleton
We are grateful for all the donations we've received for our Feed the Turkey Food Drive! As of today we have collected 468 items!! Our goal is 1,000 by noon on Friday. Please contribute if you are able. Drop off donations at the middle school office if you'd like. All items will go toward pantries and holiday baskets in the community.
about 1 month ago, Jenny Pendleton
PHMS is serving our community this fall! Ms. Valdes's World Cultures class is making toys for those in need. Our Feed the Turkey food drive continues all this week. Currently we've collected 190 items! Please contribute if you are able. All donations will be shared with those in the Pleasant Hope Community this holiday season.
about 1 month ago, Jenny Pendleton
Pleasant Hope HS Girls Basketball competed in a jamboree last night at Spokane. They played well against some tough competition. We're excited about the season.
about 1 month ago, Kevin McVey
Help us Feed the Turkeys this week. All donations will help local pantries feed those in need this holiday season. Thanks to our Stuco and NJHS members for organizing this project.
about 1 month ago, Pleasant Hope Schools
Feed the Turkey Food Drive at PHMS next week! Our Stuco and NJHS will be collecting non-perishable food items Nov 19-22 to help the Pleasant Hope Community. The Pirate Time that feeds their turkey the most donations will win a pizza party. Please help us if you are able.
about 1 month ago, Jenny Pendleton
Middle schoolers, Sydney and Ayden, participated in the district honor band today!
about 1 month ago, Pleasant Hope Schools
Pleasant Hope MS Boys Wrestling competed in their first tournament today in Diamond. It was a good day! Sam Diggs 1st in 220 bracket Joseph Dismang 4th in 200 bracket Donny Moody 3rd in 170 bracket Peyton McDonald 4th in 170 bracket Randall Kendrick 1st in 155b bracket Tanner Ward 1st in 155c bracket Gunnar Sims 2nd in 135a bracket Patrick Wilson 1st in 135b bracket Trevor Lemesany 3rd in 135b bracket Hax Houston 3rd in 125b bracket Ethan Mullins 2nd in 115 bracket Gage Cooper 5th in 105 bracket Mason Hendrickson 4th in 85c bracket
about 1 month ago, Kevin McVey
The Pleasant Hope High School Boys basketball played in a Jamboree last night at Spokane High School. They played Buffalo, Spokane, and Reeds Spring. It was a good night, with wins over Buffalo and Spokane.
about 1 month ago, Kevin McVey
Congratulations to Mason H, our PHMS student of the month. https://secure.smore.com/n/2sza7 Use this link to see what's up next week for our middle schoolers.
about 1 month ago, Pleasant Hope Schools
Pleasant Hope High School Baseball has a team store in this link that just opened today and will be for the next 8 days (through 11/21) if you are interested in any gear! All gear is sent to the school and Coach Gage will pass it off to students once it is in. For any questions, reach out to Coach Gage at Jgage@phr6.org https://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30837889/bsnteamsports.com?p=eyJzIjoiaF9HSXFQQVE2dXQyZXhFOEMtNUVjRTlfQXVVIiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDgzNzg4OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL2JzbnRlYW1zcG9ydHMuY29tXFxcL3Nob3BcXFwvUlV0WENhZjRnVFwiLFwiaWRcIjpcIjkwMWNkMDYyZTQ1MzQ0OWE5OWE3YWQzYmM0MTYzMjdjXCIsXCJ1cmxfaWRzXCI6W1wiMzZlYzUyNGFjNDYwMjBlZTc0MWVjMTcxNDc4OGY3MjQ3MDZlMGUwMlwiXX0ifQ
about 1 month ago, Jared Gage
High School Girls Basketball - Fair Play Tournament Bracket
about 1 month ago, Kevin McVey
fp bracket
PHES Students Celebrate and are Thankful for our VETERANS!
about 1 month ago, Jessica Johnson
2nd Grade
4th Grade
1st Grade
1st Grade
3rd Grade
3rd Grade
3rd Grade
Thank you Veterans!