High School Volleyball at HOME tomorrow vs Greenfield. Varsity will play first at 5:30 and JV will follow! Come support your Lady Pirates 🖤🏐💛

Last week at Joplin Casé Klotz received his best time ever improving his PR by over a minute. This week at Hermitage our runners ascended all the way to the top of the most challenging course we compete in. Finley Kellogg (MS) got 27th out of 192 overall and 11th in our category

In Mrs. Peterman's English classes, students gained global insights as Sirinipa "Chin" Tawpinygo from Thailand highlighted the contrasts between the educational systems of the United States and her home country.

6th grade Social Studies students created cave art with chalk as part of their studies on early man.

TeacherEase tip of the week #2- Depositing money into Lunch Accounts online
This option is currently available from a web browser. Mobile apps (iOS and Android) coming soon!
Follow these steps to make a payment on the parent portal:
Go to Parent Main > Miscellaneous > Fees
Make Online Payment
Enter your credit/debit card information
Submit Payment
A receipt will be available on the next screen for printing and adding to your records
Questions? Contact Anna Nold
anold@phr6.org or 417-267-2850 ext 2502
Thank you!

Hi All,
PHHS will be celebrating their 2023 Homecoming next week.
Spirit days are on the Newsletter. You can find the newsletter at:
Friday, we will have our annual Homecoming Parade at 2:30pm. The parade route will start at the High School, go down Tillery Road, to Lewis, to McCurry to the Middle School & will follow the parade route back to the high school. The High School office will be closed during the parade.
In order to participate in the Homecoming parade, students must have a permission form signed & in the High School office by Tuesday at 3:30 PM.
These permission forms have been available in the office, will be passed out during ACE time today & Ms. Summer will email the forms, as well.
Coronation will be held Friday night at 5:30PM at the Football Field.
The Homecoming football game will take place at 7:00pm.
The Homecoming Dance will start after the game, in the PHHS cafeteria & will last until 11pm. If a student wants to bring an outside date, they must have an outside date form signed & in the office by the end of the day today. Forms have been in the office & have been announced each day.
If you have questions, please reach out to Mr. Conklin at: jacobconklin@phr6.org or Ms. Summer Orbin at: sorbin@phr6.org

Sophomore FFA members attended Career Exploration Field Day yesterday! They learned about various careers, different sciences behind agriculture, and listened to multiple speakers. 🌱🔬🚜

TeacherEase tip of the week! You can check your student's Lunch Account Balance by logging into the parent portal of TeacherEase and accessing Lunch/Fees. You can set up automatic notifications for lunch account balances by following these steps;
Go to Parent Main > Miscellaneous > Communication Preferences
Check the Low Lunch Balance notifications
Change the Low Balance Threshold to 0.00, or disable it completely
Have a great weekend, Pirate Nation!

Middle School football traveled to Marionville last night

PHMS volleyball hosted Miller tonight. Tough loss for the Lady Pirates but so wonderful to see the team working together and cheering each other on during the games.

Enjoying some volleyball @ Miller. Go Lady Pirates!

Household applications are now open to families for DESE's Close the Gap Grant.
To be eligible for the grant, students must be a Missouri resident and be enrolled in grades K-12 in a Missouri public school district or charter school. Per state statute, the distribution of funds will be prioritized for families whose income is below 185 percent of the federal poverty level. If sufficient funds are available after those below 185 percent of the federal poverty level receive funds, families at or above that poverty level may receive funds.
Navigate to missouri.withodyssey.com, scroll below the "Eligibility Requirements" section, and click the "Parent Sign Up" button to get started.
Please note that household applications are open from September 20 to October 25, 2023.
Allowable educational expenses include
Computer equipment;
Internet connectivity;
Instructional resource materials;
Academic day or summer camps;
Before- and afterschool educational programs;
Course fees and textbooks;
Online access for an academic app or subscription;
Education, learning, or study skills services;
Arts-related day or summer camps; and
Art enrichment.

Homecoming Week is next Week! Grab your western wear! Show your Pirate Pride!

Back To School STEM Projects -Mrs. Davis's Third Graders
We enjoyed a variety of challenges during our first few days of school!

Mrs.McGrady's 3rd graders followed the Pirate ARRS and got to spin the wheel. Here is their crazy hair day picture!

Grandparents Night is TONIGHT!

ARRR you ready to dress like a pirate this Friday? It's one of our favorite days at PHES!

Congrats to Brooklynn Keck for earning her FFA Jacket by reciting the entire FFA Creed.

FFA Degree Ceremony and Labor Auction is in the High School Gym Friday 9/22/23 6-8 PM